my latest paper that is due today....its what I get for writing a paper at 11:30 at night!!! Don't you just love professors that give you 2 days to write a stupid paper:S UGH!!
The future of American education is not looking very bright; instead it is just going downhill. I am more inclined to agree with Caroline Bird in her essay “Where College Fails Us” when she explains how it is becoming near worthless to attend college in order to get a better job or a better life. We need to want to attend for reasons of more worth to us than just going because our parents or counselors “encourage” us to. All our hard work and money is going down the drain the longer the authorities in our lives push us toward something of little or no value to us. Today if you go in to get a job you find you were being lied to all along. We have been told we have to go to college when in reality for most jobs you barely need a high school education as long as you know the right people and are experienced.
According to Plato in his “Allegory of the Cave”, “ …certain professors of education must be wrong when they say that they can put a knowledge into the soul which was not there before, like sight into blind eyes”(185). It does not matter how much a teacher tries to teach a person but if that person is not capable of learning, time is just wasting away and doing neither of them any good. We are supposed to share what we learn and if we do, not everyone is going to need to spend money to fall asleep in lecture halls, the knowledge will be passed on in a much more practical way. In the way that I understand it, Plato goes on to explain that not every person is cut out to attend college but that does not mean they are stupid, it merely means that their place is out in the world working with their hands more.
Teachers, however, do not what this to be common knowledge. They do not want us to know that they cannot teach all students and that their capabilities are limited. Instead they mislead us into thinking it is the only way to succeed in life, the only way we can amount to anything and be accepted into society. In her essay “Where College Fails Us”, Caroline Bird had the point when she states, “We’ve been told that young people have to go to college because our economy can’t absorb an army of untrained 18-year olds. But disillusioned graduates are learning that it can no longer absorb an army of trained 22-year olds either”(199). It does not make a difference what we do with our time, we are never going to be fully accepted into the old fashioned work force. We have to create our own future with what we gained from life experiences because the education system is not going to help us.
If this attitude from the education system keeps up, there is not going to be anything left for our children and their children when they apply themselves to obtain an education. If we are being taught things that do not matter, and it is bound to get worse , the future for education is looking pretty bleak. There is nothing new being offered and when it is, the system just throws it away because they are scared of change. They do not want to accept that maybe their ways are wrong for this generation. There is mainly arguing between the different styles of teaching and neither side is stopping to think about what is best for the student. Who cares if we study white or black literature? It does not matter to us anymore, so just stop arguing about it! The only this that matters is that these people wake up from their dream world and realize that there are people out in the world that want to live a life of meaning, and it does not always have to be in a classroom. You would think these teachers would want to help louis vuitton handbags, it is why they went into that career in the first place. But as time passes and nothing is done about helping a young adult obtain his/her true goals, we realize that there is a slow leakage of brain cells among the people in authority of the education system. American education is becoming meaningless, and will continue to become meaningless until someone sticks their head out and takes a stand against whoever is making our college education so worthless, which would be the government. There is really no future for American education unless this happens because if it is this bad now we are really going to be screwed down the road.
Works Cited
Bird, Caroline. “Where College Fails Us”
Writing on the River: An Anthology for Composition 1 at Chattanooga State
Technical Community College. Eds. English Faculty and Staff at Chattanooga
State Technical Community College.Boston: McGraw-Hill;2007: 199-207.
Plato. “The Allegory of the Cave”
Writing on the River: An Anthology for Composition 1 at Chattanooga State
Technical Community College. Eds. English Faculty and Staff at Chattanooga
State Technical Community College.Boston: McGraw-Hill;2007: 181-188.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
The Role of Women
Just a journal I wrote for my comp 1 class... My teacher thought I had a very unique veiw on the subject:P lol
Were we women really made to be slaves in what used to be a male dominant society, and in some parts of the world still is? According to the Brule Sioux Myth we were made even lower than animals, yet I believe there is another side to this than most men would like us to believe. In Leonard Crow Dog's narration of his "dream" the author calls "Sun Creation", he relates a bit of dialogue between the sun and the woman that he created that I believe makes an important point. Leonard Crow Dog tells the reader, " You are the caretaker of the generations, you are the birth giver," the sun told the woman. " You will be the carrier of this universe" (42). Why would the sun say this to something he just created last? Men and some women believe that because we were created last we are inferior, but let us look at it from another angle.
The sun perhaps left his most important task for last; he wanted to have everything ready for his best addition to the new world. He knew he needed somewhere for the woman to stay, someone to protect her, something to eat, and something to care for. He needed everything perfect just like she would be. Then he gave her the most important job of all, for she was to carry the universe. There is no way anyone or anything that needed to accomplish that should be slaving over someone that took advantage of out care nature and misunderstood our meaning in life. Men are to be the caretakers and women to be carriers, not slaves. chanel handbags were made with the desire to care for things, to ensure the survival of our species, and nowhere in our being is the desire or capability to be slaves. Why would the sun create us last if not to ensure our survival? We were not made to be slaves because we are the most important and precious work the Sun ever did, and that is why we were made below or after everything else.
Work Cited
Crow Dog, Leonard. "Brule Sioux Myth: Sun Creation"
Writing on the River: An Anthology for Composition 1 at Chattanooga State
Technical Community College. Eds.English Faculty and Staff at Chattanooga
State Technical Community College. Boston:McGraw-Hill, 2007: 37-44
Were we women really made to be slaves in what used to be a male dominant society, and in some parts of the world still is? According to the Brule Sioux Myth we were made even lower than animals, yet I believe there is another side to this than most men would like us to believe. In Leonard Crow Dog's narration of his "dream" the author calls "Sun Creation", he relates a bit of dialogue between the sun and the woman that he created that I believe makes an important point. Leonard Crow Dog tells the reader, " You are the caretaker of the generations, you are the birth giver," the sun told the woman. " You will be the carrier of this universe" (42). Why would the sun say this to something he just created last? Men and some women believe that because we were created last we are inferior, but let us look at it from another angle.
The sun perhaps left his most important task for last; he wanted to have everything ready for his best addition to the new world. He knew he needed somewhere for the woman to stay, someone to protect her, something to eat, and something to care for. He needed everything perfect just like she would be. Then he gave her the most important job of all, for she was to carry the universe. There is no way anyone or anything that needed to accomplish that should be slaving over someone that took advantage of out care nature and misunderstood our meaning in life. Men are to be the caretakers and women to be carriers, not slaves. chanel handbags were made with the desire to care for things, to ensure the survival of our species, and nowhere in our being is the desire or capability to be slaves. Why would the sun create us last if not to ensure our survival? We were not made to be slaves because we are the most important and precious work the Sun ever did, and that is why we were made below or after everything else.
Work Cited
Crow Dog, Leonard. "Brule Sioux Myth: Sun Creation"
Writing on the River: An Anthology for Composition 1 at Chattanooga State
Technical Community College. Eds.English Faculty and Staff at Chattanooga
State Technical Community College. Boston:McGraw-Hill, 2007: 37-44
Monday, August 27, 2007
College at last!
My first two classes this morning... getting a car... trying out living on my own for a few weeks...
This summer was crazy. I came back from Norway only to find I had no where to live and chose to move back in with Nathan, my older brother. Its not really so bad, I just need more space to myself :-) I'm sure that is understandable :-)
So I got a job at the YMCA working in the Childwatch, Club House, and Kids Gym. I love it so much!! And I love the people I work with!
I'm going to Chattanooga State for my Associates in Early Childhood Education. This semester is mostly just early classes, but next semester is going to be packed. I think I'm really going to like college since I love school and studying. I just hope I can keep good grades and keep my grants.
Hmmmm..... My summer hasn't really been much else. Filling out forms for school, and working. Oh yeah...there has been fun stuff too:-) Like the Girls Night out!! It was a blast!! We went on the Southern Belle all dressed up and then took a BUNCH of pics. I think the best was the dancing!! I was sooo tired :-)
Well...I've taken up enough time for now. I shall try to keep up with this blog as the school year progresses and don't forget to check my pics on MySpace and Ringo. There are alot of good ones from my summer :-)
Drop me a note sometime and let me know you are all ok!! God Bless!!!!!!
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Introducing my twins...
Date: May 7, 2007
Time: 12:10 pm
Scene: Relationships class
As Eli and Erin pulled out two dozen eggs, along with yarn, glue, and markers, the classroom burst into laughter and explanations of “WHAT!”. When the laughter died down, Erin explained to us that these eggs were to be our “babies” for the next few days. Our eggs are to go everywhere with either one of the “parents” unless we checked them into the “Egg Daycare” for the time we are working. This eggsignment was supposed to teach us responsibility and team work. Two names were called out of a hat and those people were to be partners until we turned in our realization papers and egg babies at the next class on Friday.
Now that the talking was over, the fun began. Shannon (my partner for this eggsapade) and I got together to adopt our “baby”. We chose a healthy baby girl and Shannon named her Cloei. (although the spelling is a bit on the weird side to figure out) But something was missing; Cloei looked lonely (even if she is just an egg). Shannon and I, both having come from large families, decided we wanted a challenge- but little did we know how much it would be! We visited the adoption eggency again and this time chose a baby boy, brought him back and found out he was Cloei’s identical twin! (No wonder she looked lonely) But finding a name for him was a hard choice…Joey? NO! Should the names rhyme? Not really…But what? I finally got a brilliant idea. Timmy! (Short for Timothy) A perfect idea and Shannon loved it too. So thus the names for our twins were born. Timmy and Cloei Payne-Taylor, perfect names for perfect babies!
Now we met a new challenge, giving them their faces and characters. Should they have hair? Newborns don’t usually have hair, so nope. We wanted to give them little hats, but how could we do that? Brainstorm time! We finally decided on winding string around in circles creating what looked like a little beanie. SO CUTE!! And then the eyes…really hard…chanel handbags can’t draw worth a lick so it was up to Mommy Shannon’s abilities. Timmy was the first to receive his tear drop eyes and tiny mouth, but Cloei was going to have to go to Daycare without any. (She did receive her beautiful blue eyes and cute little mouth before supper.) The evening was spent with Mommy Becca on the internet and watching part of a family movie with the other eggs, but it was soon time for bed for little eggs.
“Say good night to mommy!”, and we were off to bed…or at least I was!! It was Shannon’s night to watch them, but I guess they slept ok as I didn’t hear them and my room is right above hers:P
Pic taken by Shannon
Time: 12:10 pm
Scene: Relationships class
As Eli and Erin pulled out two dozen eggs, along with yarn, glue, and markers, the classroom burst into laughter and explanations of “WHAT!”. When the laughter died down, Erin explained to us that these eggs were to be our “babies” for the next few days. Our eggs are to go everywhere with either one of the “parents” unless we checked them into the “Egg Daycare” for the time we are working. This eggsignment was supposed to teach us responsibility and team work. Two names were called out of a hat and those people were to be partners until we turned in our realization papers and egg babies at the next class on Friday.
Now that the talking was over, the fun began. Shannon (my partner for this eggsapade) and I got together to adopt our “baby”. We chose a healthy baby girl and Shannon named her Cloei. (although the spelling is a bit on the weird side to figure out) But something was missing; Cloei looked lonely (even if she is just an egg). Shannon and I, both having come from large families, decided we wanted a challenge- but little did we know how much it would be! We visited the adoption eggency again and this time chose a baby boy, brought him back and found out he was Cloei’s identical twin! (No wonder she looked lonely) But finding a name for him was a hard choice…Joey? NO! Should the names rhyme? Not really…But what? I finally got a brilliant idea. Timmy! (Short for Timothy) A perfect idea and Shannon loved it too. So thus the names for our twins were born. Timmy and Cloei Payne-Taylor, perfect names for perfect babies!
Now we met a new challenge, giving them their faces and characters. Should they have hair? Newborns don’t usually have hair, so nope. We wanted to give them little hats, but how could we do that? Brainstorm time! We finally decided on winding string around in circles creating what looked like a little beanie. SO CUTE!! And then the eyes…really hard…chanel handbags can’t draw worth a lick so it was up to Mommy Shannon’s abilities. Timmy was the first to receive his tear drop eyes and tiny mouth, but Cloei was going to have to go to Daycare without any. (She did receive her beautiful blue eyes and cute little mouth before supper.) The evening was spent with Mommy Becca on the internet and watching part of a family movie with the other eggs, but it was soon time for bed for little eggs.
“Say good night to mommy!”, and we were off to bed…or at least I was!! It was Shannon’s night to watch them, but I guess they slept ok as I didn’t hear them and my room is right above hers:P
Thus ended the adoption day of Timmy and Cloei… And the beginning of an eggcelent and challenging project!

Timmy and Cloei Payne-Taylor
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
on a busy week...
This Sabbath we were all inivited up to Fredheim (the health center) for lunch and a hike. It was lots of fun:-) I love going there, it's just sooo pretty!! I went for a walk with Matt, Joliann, Alex, Yvette, and Jadie. chanel handbags had a crazy time until they left me and Joliann to go on the hike:-( so sad:P hehe I ended up just relaxing and talking all afternoon. Then I came back with Marta and made a FAST supper with Robert. After a open session with Bill and Gayle I went down to Erin's house for a hour to chill with some of my friends...
Sunday was mostly relaxing...There was a Beach Volleyball game in the afternoon and we had a personality class with Bill and Gayle before crashing from exhaustion!! A very fulfilling week:-)
Pic #2- How many girls can you fit on a swing?
Pic#3- By the natural air conditioner...brrrr
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
These Days

Forever is for eternity
Or just until you get tired of me
Forever is for always
Or just for a couple days
Tomorrow things can be different
And you can take back the things you meant.
Tomorrow you’ll walk away
And think I will have to pay.
Today I change the way I see love
But it can change like the skies above
Today I change my thinking
But my heart is still sinking.
The past was tomorrow and today
It’s come as a choice for us this day
The past is for us to make
It has come for us to take.
The past comes by the choices made today
Tomorrow is full of many ways
We decide who we will love,
And who we hold forever.
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